Tuesday 12 June 2012

Beauty and the Beast Stained glass cake and cupcakes

Recently i was asked to make a cake (big enough for some candles) and some cupcakes (20) for a little girl's 3rd birthday party. We asked the birthday girl what she wanted and she said, 'Chocolate cake with creamy icing' When i asked for the theme she just pointed at the movie we had on at the time... and that movie was Beauty and Beast!

This is where i started to get (over) excited, as i have been wanting to make a beauty and the beast cake for, like, ever! I did some research (ok, i had already done this research, some months ago) and decided to go a castle walls and stained glass cake, and the Mommy asked me to make half the cupcakes for girls and half for boys. So the Belle cakes had creaming buttercream, roses and books and the beast cakes with chocolate ganache, had paw prints and beast faces (based on a werewolf cup cake i found, with less teeth!)

 See? Almost can't tell the difference!

I loved making the cake (rich chocolate fudge), and with a few hiccups, it came off with only a few hitches (which i think i was the only one to notice... i hope) I do hope someone asks me to make another stained glass cake again... Please oh pretty please!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Carrot cake... a bit late for Easter...

I wanted to try the carrot cake recipe in my latest copy of my Cake Decorating magazine (http://www.mycakedecorating.co.uk/) as the last carrot cake i tried wasn't all I hoped it would be. I didn't use nuts as I wanted to try it without, as I am going to make these cakes for a school fete, and obviously can't include nuts for a cake that might be bought for a child with nut allergies! It is gorgeous! Especially loved the addition of the freshly squeezed orange juice and orange zest. I found the influence for my decoration from another blogger, who had made Easter cup cakes... I SO stole her design! Hope she doesn't mind! (http://www.hungryhappenings.com/2012/03/ravenous-rabbit-cupcakes-are-sure-to.html)

Also discovered the importance of crumbing a cake... which I have never had to do before... but you can bet your bonnet I will do it in future!

Thursday 31 May 2012

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery!

I found an amazing cake decorator living in Australia, she makes the most beautiful cakes and i especially love her 3D owl cake! Check her out! http://inspiredbymichelleblog.com/ I found out that she was doing some classes here in merry old England, but i am unable to go. I tried to ease my disappointment by attempting to recreate her signature owl cake in my own home! I also used this opportunity to try out different chocolate cake recipe's to try find that perfect chocolate cake recipe (well, perfect for me!) I was pleased with the result, even if i still have a long way to go to match my inspiration!

A view of the different chocolate cakes, my personal favourite was the top layer! I am a convert to chocolate cake!