Tuesday 5 June 2012

Carrot cake... a bit late for Easter...

I wanted to try the carrot cake recipe in my latest copy of my Cake Decorating magazine (http://www.mycakedecorating.co.uk/) as the last carrot cake i tried wasn't all I hoped it would be. I didn't use nuts as I wanted to try it without, as I am going to make these cakes for a school fete, and obviously can't include nuts for a cake that might be bought for a child with nut allergies! It is gorgeous! Especially loved the addition of the freshly squeezed orange juice and orange zest. I found the influence for my decoration from another blogger, who had made Easter cup cakes... I SO stole her design! Hope she doesn't mind! (http://www.hungryhappenings.com/2012/03/ravenous-rabbit-cupcakes-are-sure-to.html)

Also discovered the importance of crumbing a cake... which I have never had to do before... but you can bet your bonnet I will do it in future!

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